Shiny modules to reduce duplication in apps

Shiny apps are awesome, with a bit of training you can build fairly impressive interactive web apps. But at some point, the subject of “shiny modules” will rear its head. When I started learning …

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Where is the centre of University of Oxford?

University of Oxford has over 800 years of history to it, but if you want to organise a meeting at the centre of campus… where do you meet?

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Using ggmap after July 2018

ggmap is an awesome package for creating maps with ggplot2. If you’ve seen a nice looking map built with ggplot2 I can almost guarantee you that it uses ggmap to look that good. The ggmap package is …

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Crawling DOI from a SAGE

Academic literature reviews are more than often tedious tasks, manually clicking through a journal’s history of volumes and journals. But, not it you programmatically crawl the website with {rvest} and friends.

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Great circles with sf and leaflet

Great circles are the shortest journeys between two points on a map, which can be easily computed and manipulated through the use of the excellent sf library, and visualised interactively with leaflet.

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